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CO3 Open Api - documentation.
Relates to a model of cooperation, where Vehicle's monitoring is available only during Monitoring Orders. Based on the long-time consent type between process parties - Shipper and Carrier.
Create a Monitoring Order for a given Vehicle.
contextCompanyId required | string <uuid> Example: contextCompanyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Context company id. |
object (CompanyIdentifier) | |
endDate required | integer <epoch> |
externalSystemId required | string |
name | string |
shipperCompanyId required | string <uuid> |
startDate required | integer <epoch> |
Array of objects (CreateMonitoringOrderStopRequest) | |
Array of objects (CreateMonitoringOrderVehicleRequest) |
{- "carrierCompany": {
- "taxNumber": "123456789",
- "taxNumberCountryCode": "PL",
- "name": "CO3 sp. z o.o."
}, - "endDate": 1638466810,
- "externalSystemId": "ORDER-2021-12345",
- "name": "Sample name",
- "shipperCompanyId": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "startDate": 1638466810,
- "stops": [
- {
- "isLoad": true,
- "isUnload": true,
- "latitude": 51.047205,
- "longitude": 16.972564,
- "place": {
- "city": "Wroclaw",
- "country": "Poland",
- "houseNumber": "17",
- "localNumber": "2",
- "name": "CO3 headquarters",
- "postcode": "53-332",
- "street": "Powstańców Śląskich"
}, - "sequence": 1,
- "timeSlot": {
- "end": 1638466810,
- "start": 1638466810
], - "vehicles": [
- {
- "licensePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licensePlateNumber": "WA12345"
{- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "externalSystemId": "ORDER-2021-12345",
- "name": "Sample name",
- "active": true,
- "startDate": 1717165559000,
- "endDate": 1717165598000,
- "shipperCompanyId": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "carrierDetails": {
- "city": "Wroclaw",
- "country": "Poland",
- "name": "CO3 sp z o.o."
}, - "vehicleDetails": [
- {
- "licencePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licencePlateNumber": "WA12345"
], - "stops": [
- {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "isLoad": true,
- "isUnload": true,
- "latitude": 51.047205,
- "longitude": 16.972564,
- "place": {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "city": "Wroclaw",
- "country": "Poland",
- "houseNumber": "17",
- "localNumber": "2",
- "name": "CO3 headquarters",
- "postcode": "53-332",
- "street": "Powstańców Śląskich"
}, - "sequence": 1,
- "timeSlot": {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "end": 1638466810,
- "start": 1638466810
], - "creationDate": 1638466810,
- "statusDate": 1638466810
Get a paginated list of Incoming Monitoring Orders in the context company from the shippers.
contextCompanyId required | string <uuid> Example: contextCompanyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Context company Id. Company act as carrier. |
externalSystemId | string Example: externalSystemId=ORDER-2021-12345 External system id. Providing a value will filer the result data. |
shipperCompanyId | string <uuid> Example: shipperCompanyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Shipper company id. Proving a value will filter the result data. |
page required | integer <int32> Example: page=0 Page index to be returned. Page Numeration starts from 0. |
size required | integer <int32> Example: size=25 Number of returned elements per page. |
sortBy | string Enum: "startDate" "endDate" "creationDate" Example: sortBy=startDate Sort by parameter |
sortDirection | string Enum: "ASC" "DESC" Example: sortDirection=ASC Sort direction |
{- "page": 0,
- "size": 25,
- "totalElements": 100,
- "totalPages": 4,
- "tours": [
- {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "externalSystemId": "ORDER-2021-12345",
- "name": "CO3 sp z o.o.",
- "active": true,
- "startDate": 1717165559000,
- "endDate": 1717165598000,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "type": "TOUR",
- "shipperCompany": {
- "city": "Wroclaw",
- "country": "Poland",
- "name": "CO3 sp z o.o."
}, - "carrierCompany": {
- "city": "Wroclaw",
- "country": "Poland",
- "name": "CO3 sp z o.o."
}, - "vehicles": [
- {
- "licencePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licencePlateNumber": "WA12345"
], - "stops": [
- {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "isLoad": true,
- "isUnload": true,
- "latitude": 51.047205,
- "longitude": 16.972564,
- "place": {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "city": "Wroclaw",
- "country": "Poland",
- "houseNumber": "17",
- "localNumber": "2",
- "name": "CO3 headquarters",
- "postcode": "53-332",
- "street": "Powstańców Śląskich"
}, - "sequence": 1,
- "timeSlot": {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "end": 1638466810,
- "start": 1638466810
], - "creationDate": 1638466810,
- "statusDate": 1638466810
Get paginated list of outgoing Monitoring Orders from the context company to the carriers. Required scope:
contextCompanyId required | string <uuid> Example: contextCompanyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Context company Id. Company act as shipper. |
carrierCompanyId | string <uuid> Example: carrierCompanyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Carrier company id. Providing a value will filer the result data. |
externalSystemId | string Example: externalSystemId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 External system id. Providing a value will filer the result data. |
page required | integer <int32> Example: page=0 Page index to be returned. Page Numeration starts from 0. |
size required | integer <int32> Example: size=25 Number of returned elements per page. |
sortBy | string Enum: "startDate" "endDate" "creationDate" Example: sortBy=startDate Sort by parameter |
sortDirection | string Enum: "ASC" "DESC" Example: sortDirection=ASC Sort direction |
{- "page": 0,
- "size": 25,
- "totalElements": 100,
- "totalPages": 4,
- "tours": [
- {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "externalSystemId": "ORDER-2021-12345",
- "name": "CO3 sp z o.o.",
- "active": true,
- "startDate": 1717165559000,
- "endDate": 1717165598000,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "type": "TOUR",
- "shipperCompany": {
- "city": "Wroclaw",
- "country": "Poland",
- "name": "CO3 sp z o.o."
}, - "carrierCompany": {
- "city": "Wroclaw",
- "country": "Poland",
- "name": "CO3 sp z o.o."
}, - "vehicles": [
- {
- "licencePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licencePlateNumber": "WA12345"
], - "stops": [
- {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "isLoad": true,
- "isUnload": true,
- "latitude": 51.047205,
- "longitude": 16.972564,
- "place": {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "city": "Wroclaw",
- "country": "Poland",
- "houseNumber": "17",
- "localNumber": "2",
- "name": "CO3 headquarters",
- "postcode": "53-332",
- "street": "Powstańców Śląskich"
}, - "sequence": 1,
- "timeSlot": {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "end": 1638466810,
- "start": 1638466810
], - "creationDate": 1638466810,
- "statusDate": 1638466810
Get Monitoring Order by external system id.
externalSystemId required | string Example: ORDER-2021-12345 Monitoring Order identifier |
contextCompanyId required | string <uuid> Example: contextCompanyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Context company id |
{- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "externalSystemId": "ORDER-2021-12345",
- "name": "Sample name",
- "active": true,
- "startDate": 1717165559000,
- "endDate": 1717165598000,
- "shipperCompanyId": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "carrierDetails": {
- "city": "Wroclaw",
- "country": "Poland",
- "name": "CO3 sp z o.o."
}, - "vehicleDetails": [
- {
- "licencePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licencePlateNumber": "WA12345"
], - "stops": [
- {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "isLoad": true,
- "isUnload": true,
- "latitude": 51.047205,
- "longitude": 16.972564,
- "place": {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "city": "Wroclaw",
- "country": "Poland",
- "houseNumber": "17",
- "localNumber": "2",
- "name": "CO3 headquarters",
- "postcode": "53-332",
- "street": "Powstańców Śląskich"
}, - "sequence": 1,
- "timeSlot": {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "end": 1638466810,
- "start": 1638466810
], - "creationDate": 1638466810,
- "statusDate": 1638466810
Update existing Monitoring Order with given data. Data not provided or with null values will be not changed.
externalSystemId required | string Example: ORDER-2021-12345 External system id. |
contextCompanyId required | string <uuid> Example: contextCompanyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Context company id. |
object (CompanyIdentifier) | |
endDate | integer <epoch> |
externalSystemId | string |
name | string |
shipperCompanyId | string <uuid> |
startDate | integer <epoch> |
Array of objects (UpdateMonitoringOrderStopRequest) If stops are not null and not empty previous stops will be replaced. | |
Array of objects (UpdateMonitoringOrderVehicleRequest) |
{- "carrierCompany": {
- "taxNumber": "123456789",
- "taxNumberCountryCode": "PL",
- "name": "CO3 sp. z o.o."
}, - "endDate": 1638466810,
- "externalSystemId": "ORDER-2021-12345",
- "name": "Sample name",
- "shipperCompanyId": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "startDate": 1638466810,
- "stops": [
- {
- "isLoad": true,
- "isUnload": true,
- "latitude": 51.047205,
- "longitude": 16.972564,
- "place": {
- "city": "Wroclaw",
- "country": "Poland",
- "houseNumber": "17",
- "localNumber": "2",
- "name": "CO3 headquarters",
- "postcode": "53-332",
- "street": "Powstańców Śląskich"
}, - "sequence": 1,
- "timeSlot": {
- "end": 1638466810,
- "start": 1638466810
], - "vehicles": [
- {
- "licensePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licensePlateNumber": "WA12345"
{- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "externalSystemId": "ORDER-2021-12345",
- "name": "Sample name",
- "active": true,
- "startDate": 1717165559000,
- "endDate": 1717165598000,
- "shipperCompanyId": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "carrierDetails": {
- "city": "Wroclaw",
- "country": "Poland",
- "name": "CO3 sp z o.o."
}, - "vehicleDetails": [
- {
- "licencePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licencePlateNumber": "WA12345"
], - "stops": [
- {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "isLoad": true,
- "isUnload": true,
- "latitude": 51.047205,
- "longitude": 16.972564,
- "place": {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "city": "Wroclaw",
- "country": "Poland",
- "houseNumber": "17",
- "localNumber": "2",
- "name": "CO3 headquarters",
- "postcode": "53-332",
- "street": "Powstańców Śląskich"
}, - "sequence": 1,
- "timeSlot": {
- "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "end": 1638466810,
- "start": 1638466810
], - "creationDate": 1638466810,
- "statusDate": 1638466810
Deactivate Monitoring Order for a given external system id.
externalSystemId required | string Example: ORDER-2021-12345 External system id. |
contextCompanyId required | string <uuid> Example: contextCompanyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Context company id. |
{- "timestamp": 1638466810,
- "status": 400,
- "error": "string",
- "errorCode": "INVALID_DATA",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
Get calculated ETA value for a specific stop. Required scopes:,
externalSystemId required | string Example: ORDER-2021-12345 External system id. |
contextCompanyId required | string <uuid> Example: contextCompanyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Context company id. |
stopId required | string <uuid> Example: stopId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Stop id for which ETA is calculated |
{- "calculatedEstimates": [
- {
- "vehicle": {
- "licensePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licensePlateNumber": "WA12345"
}, - "eta": {
- "arrival": 1687268370,
- "duration": 8444,
- "length": 184112
}, - "path": [
- {
- "latitude": "51.047205",
- "longitude": "16.972564"
], - "failedEstimates": [
- {
- "vehicle": {
- "licensePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licensePlateNumber": "WA12345"
}, - "reasonCode": "LAST_POSITION_TOO_OLD"
Get list of vehicle positions of given Monitoring Orders. Required scope:
externalSystemId required | string Example: ORDER-2021-12345 External system id. |
contextCompanyId required | string <uuid> Example: contextCompanyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Context company id. |
shipperCompanyId required | string <uuid> Example: shipperCompanyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Shipper company id. |
exclusiveStartKey | string <uuid> Example: exclusiveStartKey=100ac215-2364-9878-aa10-6daaef05asdf Position identifier from which to start retrieve positions |
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=2000 Limit of returned elements per Vehicle. Min:1, Max: 2000, Default: 2000 |
sortOrder | string Enum: "ASC" "DESC" Example: sortOrder=ASC Specifies whether location will be fetched from the start of the end. Fetching from start by default (ASC) |
[- {
- "licencePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licencePlateNumber": "WA12345",
- "positions": [
- {
- "coordinate": {
- "latitude": "51.047205",
- "longitude": "16.972564"
}, - "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "heading": "134",
- "ignitionState": "ON",
- "lastPositionCheckTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "positionTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "speed": "90 km/h",
- "deviceId": "4de4adb9-21ee-47e3-aeb4-8cf8ed6c109a"
Get a list of vehicle positions with advanced data of given Monitoring Orders. Required scope:
externalSystemId required | string Example: ORDER-2021-12345 External system id. |
contextCompanyId required | string <uuid> Example: contextCompanyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Context company id. |
shipperCompanyId required | string <uuid> Example: shipperCompanyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Shipper company id. |
exclusiveStartKey | string <uuid> Example: exclusiveStartKey=100ac215-2364-9878-aa10-6daaef05asdf Position identifier from which to start retrieve positions |
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=2000 Limit of returned elements per Vehicle. Min:1, Max: 2000, Default: 2000 |
sortOrder | string Enum: "ASC" "DESC" Example: sortOrder=ASC Specifies whether location will be fetched from the start of the end. Fetching from start by default (ASC) |
[- {
- "licensePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licensePlateNumber": "WA12345",
- "positions": [
- {
- "coordinate": {
- "latitude": "51.047205",
- "longitude": "16.972564"
}, - "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "heading": "134",
- "ignitionState": "ON",
- "lastPositionCheckTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "positionTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "speed": "90 km/h",
- "deviceId": "4de4adb9-21ee-47e3-aeb4-8cf8ed6c109a",
- "advancedDataSource": "SCANIA",
- "advancedData": {
- "version": "1",
- "createdDateTime": 1638466810,
- "wheelBasedSpeed": 80.9,
- "mileage": 15000000.1,
- "driverId": "1",
- "engineData": {
- "totalTime": 500.5,
- "fuelLevel": 50.8,
- "totalFuelUsed": 15000000.1,
- "totalFuelUsedGaseous": 15000000.1,
- "totalElectricMotorTime": 15000000.1,
- "totalElectricEnergyUsed": 15000000.1
}, - "weightData": {
- "totalWeight": 25000.1,
- "boogieLoad": 75.5,
- "trailerLoad": 75.5,
- "axleLoadSum": 25000.1
}, - "trailerData": {
- "doorOpen": true,
- "doorOpenTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "couplingStatus": true,
- "couplingStatusTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "loaded": true,
- "powerSupplyVoltage": 23.19,
- "trailerLoadedTimestamp": 1638466810
}, - "reeferData": {
- "sensors": {
- "temperature": [
- {
- "code": "T1",
- "value": -1.5
], - "ambientTemperature": [
- {
- "code": "T1",
- "value": -1.5
}, - "reeferOn": true,
- "reeferOperatingMode": "AUTOMATIC"
}, - "tyresData": {
- "tyre": [
- {
- "position": 17,
- "pressure": 9.1,
- "temperature": 31.2
Provides a list of companies with at least one onboarded vehicle ready to be used as a carrier in Monitoring Orders.
companyId required | string <uuid> Example: f70b5598-0b7c-46fe-bb18-b69693d1313f |
page | integer >= 1 Default: 1 Example: page=1 |
size | integer [ 1 .. 500 ] Default: 200 Example: size=25 |
{- "page": 1,
- "size": 25,
- "total": 100,
- "carriers": [
- {
- "taxNumber": "123456789",
- "taxNumberCountryCode": "PL",
- "name": "CO3 sp. z o.o."
Returns a list of Vehicles which can be used in Monitoring Orders.
companyId required | string <uuid> Example: f70b5598-0b7c-46fe-bb18-b69693d1313f |
licensePlateNumber | string Example: licensePlateNumber=DW12345 Vehicle license plate number |
licensePlateCountryCode | string <ISO code> Example: licensePlateCountryCode=PL Vehicle license plate country code |
taxNumber | string Example: taxNumber=123456789 Vehicle owner tax number |
taxNumberCountryCode | string <ISO code> Example: taxNumberCountryCode=PL Vehicle owner tax number country code |
page | integer >= 1 Example: page=1 |
size | integer [ 1 .. 200 ] Default: 200 Example: size=25 |
{- "page": 1,
- "size": 25,
- "totalVehicles": 100,
- "vehicles": [
- {
- "sharingCompany": {
- "taxNumber": "123456789",
- "taxNumberCountryCode": "PL",
- "name": "CO3 sp. z o.o."
}, - "vehicle": {
- "vin": "2FTHF25H6LCB36173",
- "licensePlate": {
- "countryCode": "PL",
- "number": "WA12345"
}, - "status": "ACTIVE",
- "lastTrace": [
- {
- "serverTimestamp": 1659590916,
- "positionTimestamp": 1659590736
}, - "ownershipType": "SHARING",
- "useDateFrom": 1638466810,
- "useDateTo": 1638466810,
- "ownershipStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "createdDate": 1638466810
Operation is deprecated, getVehiclesForMonitoringOrder should be used instead.
companyId required | string <uuid> Example: 626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Get Available Vehicle for Companies |
licensePlate | string Example: licensePlate=WZ746N Vehicle licence plate number |
licensePlateCountryCode | string <ISO code> Example: licensePlateCountryCode=PL Vehicle licence plate country code |
{- "companiesWithVehicles": [
- {
- "availableVehicles": [
- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "bodyType": "BUS",
- "chassisNumber": "string",
- "createdDate": 1638466810,
- "emissionStandard": "EURO6",
- "licencePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licencePlateNumber": "WA12345",
- "loadingType": "BACK",
- "make": "Ford",
- "manufactureDate": "2018-01-01",
- "model": "Transit",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "vehicleType": "TRUCK_TRANSPORTER",
- "lastTrace": [
- {
- "serverTimestamp": 1659590916,
- "positionTimestamp": 1659590736
], - "companyName": "CO3 sp. z o.o.",
- "taxCountryCode": "PL",
- "taxNumber": "123456789"
Verifies if given vehicle can be used fot Monitoring creation. May return more than entry if a vehicle is used by more than one company (eg. when a Vehicle is shared between them). Returns empty list if the Vehicle is not accessible.
companyId required | string <uuid> Example: 626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Get Available Vehicle for Companies |
licensePlate required | string Example: licensePlate=WZ746N Vehicle licence plate number |
licensePlateCountryCode required | string <ISO code> Example: licensePlateCountryCode=PL Vehicle licence plate country code |
{- "companiesWithVehicles": [
- {
- "availableVehicles": [
- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "bodyType": "BUS",
- "chassisNumber": "string",
- "createdDate": 1638466810,
- "emissionStandard": "EURO6",
- "licencePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licencePlateNumber": "WA12345",
- "loadingType": "BACK",
- "make": "Ford",
- "manufactureDate": "2018-01-01",
- "model": "Transit",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "vehicleType": "TRUCK_TRANSPORTER",
- "lastTrace": [
- {
- "serverTimestamp": 1659590916,
- "positionTimestamp": 1659590736
], - "companyName": "CO3 sp. z o.o.",
- "taxCountryCode": "PL",
- "taxNumber": "123456789"
Relates to a model of cooperation, where Vehicles are monitored permanently, regardless to Monitoring Orders. Based on the permanent consent type between the Vehicle owner and companies which receives a permission (share) for the vehicle.
Provides a list of companies with at least one onboarded vehicle available as a carrier in Permanent Monitoring.
companyId required | string <uuid> Example: f70b5598-0b7c-46fe-bb18-b69693d1313f |
page | integer >= 1 Default: 1 Example: page=1 |
size | integer [ 1 .. 500 ] Default: 200 Example: size=25 |
{- "page": 1,
- "size": 25,
- "total": 100,
- "carriers": [
- {
- "taxNumber": "123456789",
- "taxNumberCountryCode": "PL",
- "name": "CO3 sp. z o.o."
Returns a list of Vehicles which can be monitored in a permanent mode.
companyId required | string <uuid> Example: f70b5598-0b7c-46fe-bb18-b69693d1313f |
licencePlateNumber | string Example: licencePlateNumber=DW12345 Vehicle licence plate number |
licencePlateCountryCode | string <ISO code> Example: licencePlateCountryCode=PL Vehicle licence plate country code |
taxNumber | string Example: taxNumber=123456789 Vehicle owner tax number |
taxNumberCountryCode | string <ISO code> Example: taxNumberCountryCode=PL Vehicle owner tax number country code |
page | integer >= 1 Example: page=1 |
size | integer [ 1 .. 200 ] Default: 200 Example: size=25 |
{- "page": 1,
- "size": 25,
- "totalVehicles": 100,
- "vehicles": [
- {
- "sharingCompany": {
- "taxNumber": "123456789",
- "taxNumberCountryCode": "PL",
- "name": "CO3 sp. z o.o."
}, - "vehicle": {
- "bodyType": "BUS",
- "chassisNumber": "string",
- "createdDate": 1638466810,
- "emissionStandard": "EURO6",
- "licencePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licencePlateNumber": "WA12345",
- "loadingType": "BACK",
- "make": "Ford",
- "manufactureDate": "2018-01-01",
- "model": "Transit",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "vehicleType": "TRUCK_TRANSPORTER",
- "lastTrace": [
- {
- "coordinate": {
- "latitude": "51.047205",
- "longitude": "16.972564"
}, - "speed": "90",
- "heading": "134",
- "ignitionState": "ON",
- "serverTimestamp": 1659590916,
- "positionTimestamp": 1659590736
}, - "ownershipType": "SHARING",
- "useDateFrom": 1638466810,
- "useDateTo": 1638466810,
- "ownershipStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "createdDate": 1638466810
Returns a vehicle last trace data.
licencePlateNumber required | string Example: DW12345 |
licencePlateCountryCode required | string Example: PL |
companyId required | string <uuid> Example: companyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Company id. |
{- "traces": [
- {
- "coordinate": {
- "latitude": "51.047205",
- "longitude": "16.972564"
}, - "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774_098ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef0qaz12",
- "heading": "134",
- "ignitionState": "ON",
- "lastPositionCheckTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "positionTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "speed": "90 km/h"
Returns a vehicle last trace advanced data.
licensePlateNumber required | string Example: DW12345 |
licensePlateCountryCode required | string Example: PL |
companyId required | string <uuid> Example: companyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Company id. |
{- "traces": [
- {
- "coordinate": {
- "latitude": "51.047205",
- "longitude": "16.972564"
}, - "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774_098ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef0qaz12",
- "heading": "134",
- "ignitionState": "ON",
- "lastPositionCheckTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "positionTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "speed": "90 km/h",
- "advancedDataSource": "SCANIA",
- "advancedData": {
- "version": "1",
- "createdDateTime": 1638466810,
- "wheelBasedSpeed": 80.9,
- "mileage": 15000000.1,
- "driverId": "1",
- "engineData": {
- "totalTime": 500.5,
- "fuelLevel": 50.8,
- "totalFuelUsed": 15000000.1,
- "totalFuelUsedGaseous": 15000000.1,
- "totalElectricMotorTime": 15000000.1,
- "totalElectricEnergyUsed": 15000000.1
}, - "weightData": {
- "totalWeight": 25000.1,
- "boogieLoad": 75.5,
- "trailerLoad": 75.5,
- "axleLoadSum": 25000.1
}, - "trailerData": {
- "doorOpen": true,
- "doorOpenTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "couplingStatus": true,
- "couplingStatusTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "loaded": true,
- "powerSupplyVoltage": 23.19,
- "trailerLoadedTimestamp": 1638466810
}, - "reeferData": {
- "sensors": {
- "temperature": [
- {
- "code": "T1",
- "value": -1.5
], - "ambientTemperature": [
- {
- "code": "T1",
- "value": -1.5
}, - "reeferOn": true,
- "reeferOperatingMode": "AUTOMATIC"
}, - "tyresData": {
- "tyre": [
- {
- "position": 17,
- "pressure": 9.1,
- "temperature": 31.2
Returns all Vehicle's positions data.
licencePlateNumber required | string Example: DW12345 |
licencePlateCountryCode required | string Example: PL |
companyId required | string <uuid> Example: companyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Context company id. |
limit | number Default: 2000 Indicates the maximum number of requested positions per Vehicle. Must be in range [1, 2000]. |
exclusiveStartKey | string <uuid> Example: exclusiveStartKey=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Indicates the position identifier (UUID format) that should be considered as a start for the given request. |
dateFrom | number <Epoch in seconds> Date from (Unix Timestamp in seconds). Default value dateTo - 24h |
dateTo | number <Epoch in seconds> Date to (Unix Timestamp in seconds). Default value CURRENT_TIME |
{- "traces": [
- {
- "coordinate": {
- "latitude": "51.047205",
- "longitude": "16.972564"
}, - "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "heading": "134",
- "ignitionState": "ON",
- "lastPositionCheckTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "positionTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "speed": "90 km/h",
- "deviceId": "4de4adb9-21ee-47e3-aeb4-8cf8ed6c109a"
Returns all Vehicle's positions advanced data.
licensePlateNumber required | string Example: DW12345 |
licensePlateCountryCode required | string Example: PL |
companyId required | string <uuid> Example: companyId=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Context company id. |
limit | number Default: 2000 Indicates the maximum number of requested positions per Vehicle. Must be in range [1, 2000]. |
exclusiveStartKey | string <uuid> Example: exclusiveStartKey=626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774 Indicates the position identifier (UUID format) that should be considered as a start for the given request. |
dateFrom | number <Epoch in seconds> Date from (Unix Timestamp in seconds). Default value dateTo - 24h |
dateTo | number <Epoch in seconds> Date to (Unix Timestamp in seconds). Default value CURRENT_TIME |
{- "traces": [
- {
- "coordinate": {
- "latitude": "51.047205",
- "longitude": "16.972564"
}, - "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774",
- "heading": "134",
- "ignitionState": "ON",
- "lastPositionCheckTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "positionTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "speed": "90 km/h",
- "deviceId": "4de4adb9-21ee-47e3-aeb4-8cf8ed6c109a",
- "advancedDataSource": "SCANIA",
- "advancedData": {
- "version": "1",
- "createdDateTime": 1638466810,
- "wheelBasedSpeed": 80.9,
- "mileage": 15000000.1,
- "driverId": "1",
- "engineData": {
- "totalTime": 500.5,
- "fuelLevel": 50.8,
- "totalFuelUsed": 15000000.1,
- "totalFuelUsedGaseous": 15000000.1,
- "totalElectricMotorTime": 15000000.1,
- "totalElectricEnergyUsed": 15000000.1
}, - "weightData": {
- "totalWeight": 25000.1,
- "boogieLoad": 75.5,
- "trailerLoad": 75.5,
- "axleLoadSum": 25000.1
}, - "trailerData": {
- "doorOpen": true,
- "doorOpenTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "couplingStatus": true,
- "couplingStatusTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "loaded": true,
- "powerSupplyVoltage": 23.19,
- "trailerLoadedTimestamp": 1638466810
}, - "reeferData": {
- "sensors": {
- "temperature": [
- {
- "code": "T1",
- "value": -1.5
], - "ambientTemperature": [
- {
- "code": "T1",
- "value": -1.5
}, - "reeferOn": true,
- "reeferOperatingMode": "AUTOMATIC"
}, - "tyresData": {
- "tyre": [
- {
- "position": 17,
- "pressure": 9.1,
- "temperature": 31.2
At least 1 input parameter is required. Vat number is checked first. If not found, the company name value is used for search.
vatNumber | string Example: vatNumber=PL8961583248 |
companyName | string Example: companyName=CO3 |
{- "companyExists": true,
- "companyData": {
- "vatNumber": "PL8961583248",
- "companyName": "CO3"
Check Vehicle's presence for the given radius, based on theirs last location received from Telematic Providers. Requires scope Important note: if a requester has no consent for tracking vehicles from a Vehicle Owner, the owner's and vehicle's sensitive data will be anonimized.
latitude required | number Example: latitude=22.12345 Latitude |
longitude required | number Example: longitude=22.12345 Longitude |
radius required | number Example: radius=1000 Radius in meters. Max value 100000 |
{- "vehicles": [
- {
- "traceData": {
- "coordinate": {
- "latitude": "51.047205",
- "longitude": "16.972564"
}, - "id": "626ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef052774_098ac215-2364-4a23-aa10-6daaef0qaz12",
- "distance": 1234.56,
- "heading": "134",
- "ignitionState": "ON",
- "lastPositionCheckTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "positionTimestamp": 1638466810,
- "speed": "90 km/h"
}, - "vehicleData": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "bodyType": "BUS",
- "chassisNumber": "string",
- "createdDate": 1638466810,
- "emissionStandard": "EURO6",
- "licencePlateCountryCode": "PL",
- "licencePlateNumber": "WA12345",
- "loadingType": "BACK",
- "make": "Ford",
- "manufactureDate": "2018-01-01",
- "model": "Transit",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "vehicleType": "TRUCK_TRANSPORTER",
- "lastTrace": [
- {
- "serverTimestamp": 1659590916,
- "positionTimestamp": 1659590736
}, - "ownerData": {
- "taxNumber": "123456789",
- "taxNumberCountryCode": "PL",
- "name": "CO3 sp. z o.o."
Operations for integrating Telematic Data Providers, who prefer to send trace position data for Assets in the Push mode.
Enable sending trace position to the CO3 platform for a given device
Array of objects (PushTraceDataPosition) |
{- "tracePositions": [
- {
- "datetimeUtc": 1634813575,
- "deviceId": "000XXXX-0000XXXX-0000XXXX",
- "direction": 90,
- "ignition": true,
- "licensePlate": "XYZ123",
- "position": {
- "latitude": 51.047205,
- "longitude": 16.972564
}, - "speed": 50,
- "shipmentReferenceId": "string"
{- "statusCode": 200
Returns a list of companies for which a person has a relation and can use companyId as contextCompanyId. Required for Authorization Code flow.
{- "person": {
- "id": "12369c65-94c2-476d-bb4a-ba922asd3e11",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "emailAddress": ""
}, - "relatedCompanies": [
- {
- "id": "75569c65-94c2-476d-bb4a-ba9220b93e04",
- "name": "CO3",
- "taxNumber": "8961583248",
- "taxCountryCode": "PL"
Enables to get carriers onboarding stage status, invited by the Invitation Link form.
companyId required | string <uuid> Example: f70b5598-0b7c-46fe-bb18-b69693d1313f |
page required | integer <int32> Example: page=0 Page index to be returned. Page Numeration starts from 0. |
size required | integer <int32> Example: size=25 Number of returned elements per page. Allowed values 1-200 |
{- "page": 0,
- "size": 1,
- "totalPages": 1,
- "totalElements": 1,
- "onboardingStages": [
- {
- "carrier": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "CO3 sp. z o.o.",
- "taxNumber": "123456789",
- "taxCountryCode": "PL"
}, - "cooperationType": "PERMANENT",
- "stage": "Completed",
- "updateDate": "2023-03-16T00:00:00",
- "gpsProvider": "string"